it has been brought to my attention that i never did any sort of final post. I have left Berlin and am now in Stuttgart after travelling with my mom for a few weeks. We just got back from a Mediterranean vacation on the Spanish island Mallorca. The trip was great, but the flight back was awful because I did something stupid enough to rival putting my wet jeans in the freezer. Last night I was bored at the airport so I went to the duty free shop to test if I really was allergic to a perfume I was pretty sure I was allergic to; I scratched up my whole arm and sprayed about 6 splashes of the stuff on. I spent the plane ride watching it turn red and puffy, heavy sneezing was also involved.
My internet connection here is impossible so I'm not really able to upload many pictures. The two here are of Mallorca and of my last night in Berlin, riding my zebra bike.
I decided the bike is a metaphor for Berlin, it is cheap, doesn't have functioning brakes, old but with modern touches, it's charming and rugged and you keep on waiting for it collapse on itself, yet it never does.
I don't know when I'll be posting again, right now the lack of an internet connection is a big issue, but I intended for this blog to be more than just study abroad. I get back to PA June 20, and move to New York Aug 1st. I plan on interning for a local Obama office for the 5 weeks I'm in West Chester, let me know if you hear where they're putting one.
Much love,