Last weekend I went to the small town in germany that I grew up in. The area is called the Ruhrgebiet and is known as the blue collar, (de)industrialized part of Germany, but I love calling it home. I got a ride there from a woman I found on a sort of hitchhiking website. I stayed with my elementary school best friend Sarah, who visited me in New York last year, and the 48 short hours were very eventful so I'll give some highlights.
Day 1:
-We went to the dentist's office Sarah works at because they had a photographer come in to take pictures for the website. They had me play patient and messed around in my mouth. Apparently I brush well. I'll post pictures when they go online.
-Then we went to Schloss Burg, an old castle with a great view of rolling hills. I bought a kids shirt there that makes me look like a real live knight.
- After dinner we went to Kleinbeck. The local club where I saw several friends from elementary school and where the Whiskey Cokes, my drink of choice, were only 2 Euro.

Day 2:
-Sarah is on a local women's soccer team and they had a game on Sunday that they let me play in. Even though I've never played on a team I did a god job; I had a bunch of tackles and the girls who didn't know I was only passing through asked me to join the team. Despite my mad skills, we lost 9:0.
-We also walked around my old street, here's the view from my neighbor's house:
-We walked around Hagen, a beautiful, old city where Sarah's boyfriend lives. He treated us to ice cream.