Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hot Mess Morning

This morning I had to turn in a 5 page paper on the socio-political impact of Berlin's Old Museum's architecture. I finished my paper by about 10 PM last night, but had unfortunately volunteered to have the program's only printer in my room so I had people coming in and out till 2AM. One friend stayed till 4:30 to write his paper, long after I had gone to bed. Even more kids came in the morning and one crashed my computer. After dealing with that, it was 9:40 and I had only 20 minutes to shower (I was long overdue) and get to class to hand in my own paper. I showered as fast I could, grabbed the jeans, tee-shirt and hoody closest to me,  ran out the door, jumped on my bike and raced to the subway, only to realize I forgot my wallet so I had to bike all the way to class; luckily it was only 10 minutes away. That class went 15 minutes over, so I couldn't go home and had to bike straight to another class that was even further away. When I finally got home around 6 PM, I google mapped my route and realized I biked a total of 8 miles today! That'll hurt in the morning. 

Here's my route and back again:

1 comment:

Katie J said...

Ouch. Glad you took that shower though. ;-D