I am sorry that I suck so hard at posting updates. Unfortunately, technology has not been cooperating at all. I've been having all sort of power supply problems with my MacBook, and on the last day in London my charger finally gave out. The charger I need would cost about $150 here, and my parents didn't want to send me one from the US where it would cost about $70. I took the charger apart and have now managed, somewhat, to get it back together, but I'm pretty sure it's a fire hazard and should not be left unattended. Here's a picture:

So about London:
I was there with my mother's brother, his wife, and their 3 daughters. We stayed in their friend's house in Notting Hill. We didn't hit too many sites because the family had already seen them all, so we only drove by them and I held my camera out the window. Mostly we went to museums, the Tate Britain was great. I saw the JMW Turner exhibit and was blown away (even though I often heard myself saying, "Puh, Leslie can do that.") The British Museum was incredible, as well, but it was upsetting in many ways because you see how the orientalist West just pillaged Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece under the guise of historical preservation. The best part was that I got to see the Rosetta Stone. Pictures here:
My last night in London was by far the best. First my family went to dinner at Harrods where I got to see a Princess Diana memorial, then we went to see the ABBA musical Mamma Mia. I want to be cool and pretend I don't like musicals but this was so much fun:
After that I was supposed to go out clubbing with Mukai and my cousins but there were a bunch of problems so I ended up at Mukai's apartment with her and her roommate making stop motion videos all night with moustache's drawn on our face with eye liner. There are many more but I can't post them due to my blogs decency standards: